Deep Water Culture (DWC)


DWC technique uses a floating raft as direct plant support. In order to provide sufficient oxygen to the plants' roots, an air pump is installed in the nutrient solution reservoir below [9]. 


  1. Nutrient Solution Reservoir
  2. Air Pump
  3. Air Extruders
  4. Raft (floating)
  5. Plants (germinated in stone wool similar and secured in such as net cups)

What to expect:

DWC is known to be the perfect candidate to grow greens and herbs. Also fruiting crops are possible with tweaks the the support and additional oxygen delivered by the air pump, which is a little louder than comparable water pumps. On the contrary, the huge nutrient solution volume to overall system size ratio guaranties a heavy but very beginner friendly system. Furthermore, it is very easy to build and maintain and also very flexible regarding design and size. It is also the common system, when aiming for an aquaponic setup.

Great Crops [5]:

  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Mustard
  • Chard

Advantages [5, 27]:

  • Easy to maintain
  • Easy build
  • Indoors or outdoors
  • Very flexible regarding design and size

Challenges [5, 27]:

  • Heavy due to high nutrient solution volume
  • Noisier due to the air pump
  • Support for larger plants
  • Oxygen supply for larger plants

Materials Needed [5, 27]:

  • Lumber (reservoir)
  • Screws (reservoir)
  • Plastic sheeting (reservoir)
  • Insulation foam (raft)
  • Net pots (raft)
  • Air pump with air stones (optional)
  • Sensors and live monitoring (optional)
  • Paint (optional)

Tools Needed [5]:

  • Rafter square
  • Level
  • Drill and bits for screws/net pots
  • Staple gun and staples / double-sided tape
  • Razor blade knife
  • Tape measure
  • Sawhorse with clamps and circular saw (if not precut lumber)
  • Paint roller/paintbrush (optional)

Link to References