Aero- / Fogponic


Aero- and Fogponic systems use nozzles/ultrasonic transducers to provide a mist/fog of nutrient solution to the plants' roots, enabling perfect growing conditions. But these techniques are also the most sensitive of them all, requiring experience and maintaining stable growing conditions [9].

  1. Nutrient Solution Reservoir
  2. Water Pump
  3. Nozzles/Ultrasonic transducer
  4. Plant support
  5. Plants (directly germinated in the support)

What to expect:


Aero- and fogponic may be described as the supreme discipline of hydroponics. If implemented in a small bucket sized system at home, it is not very different to the DWC technique. But they are more sensitive to growing conditions and require in most cases a controlled environment with sensors and live monitoring, as soon as the project exceeds the size of a small simple tank; from there, the fully automated system is only a small step apart and definitely a plus. If managing the support, the whole range of crops can be grown. It is the most water and nutrient efficient farming technique yet, but also has the biggest energy consumption.

Great Crops [5]:

  • Thyme
  • Cilantro
  • Fennel
  • Strawberries
  • Dwarf tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Dwarf peppers
  • Basil

Advantages [5]:

  • Flexible design and size
  • Very versatile for growing all kind of crops
  • Silent
  • Most nutrient and water efficient farming yet

Challenges [5]:

  • Very susceptible to changes in growing parameters and
  • Very susceptible to power failures
  • Sensors and live monitoring required
  • Clean growing environment desirable

Materials Needed [5]:

  • Lumber (frame)
  • Screws (frame)
  • Bucket(s) with lit(s)
  • Water pump with connection vinyl tubing (reservoir)
  • PVC tubes (irrigation)
  • PVC and vinyl tubing tees/elbows/connectors (irrigation, depending on your design)
  • Water based PVC glue (irrigation)
  • 360° Mister (irrigation)
  • Outlet timer
  • Net pots (growing areas)
  • Sensors and live monitoring (recommended)
  • Automatization (optional)
  • Paint (optional)

Tools Needed [5]:

  • Rafter square
  • Level
  • Drill and bits for screws/net pots
  • Razor blade knife
  • Tape measure
  • Paint roller/paintbrush (optional)

Link to References